Hello friends😊 How are you today?
Can you help me find the differences between these two pictures?
Write them in the comment section, please!
I hope you enjoy this game!
Lots of love💖
Miss Connie
Hello ConiThe boy knotThe shoes of the kingThe scraft of the menThe ball of the chairThe 2 lines on the shirt of the king
Excellent job, Cata!! =)
Hello Coni.1-The bow tie of the man2-The scarf of the other man3-The 2 lines on the shirt of the king4-The ball of the chair5-The shoes of the king6-The squears in wall
You found a lot of differences Emma, great! =)
The colour of the shoesThe colour of the scarfThe pink wallThe tie of the man stanging on the right
Good job, Joaco!! =)
Hi Connie👋,the differences are:The king shoes 👑👞.The bow 🎀.The scraf 🧣.The wall 🟪.The sleeve 🥼.Kisses 💋Mía 🎂
Wow Mía, excellent job! I love that you always use a lot of emojis!! Kisses =)
Hello Coni
ResponderEliminarThe boy knot
The shoes of the king
The scraft of the men
The ball of the chair
The 2 lines on the shirt of the king
Excellent job, Cata!! =)
EliminarHello Coni.
ResponderEliminar1-The bow tie of the man
2-The scarf of the other man
3-The 2 lines on the shirt of the king
4-The ball of the chair
5-The shoes of the king
6-The squears in wall
You found a lot of differences Emma, great! =)
EliminarThe colour of the shoes
ResponderEliminarThe colour of the scarf
The pink wall
The tie of the man stanging on the right
Good job, Joaco!! =)
ResponderEliminarHi Connie👋,the differences are:
ResponderEliminarThe king shoes 👑👞.
The bow 🎀.
The scraf 🧣.
The wall 🟪.
The sleeve 🥼.
Kisses 💋
Mía 🎂
Wow Mía, excellent job! I love that you always use a lot of emojis!! Kisses =)